Healthy Everyday Food Swaps for Weight Loss

Healthy Eating Weight Loss

The food we eat undoubtedly impacts our overall physical condition. The amount of calories we consume through our food directly affects our weight. The NHS reminds us that consuming high amounts of energy in the form of fatty foods and sugar will make our body store them as fat, especially when we don’t burn off excesses through exercise. In fact, it lists poor diet as one of the primary causes of obesity, a health condition characterised by excessive fat accumulation. This is why weight loss is promoted as one of the ways to achieve a healthy body. Weight loss can reduce your risk of developing the diseases mentioned earlier, as well as other chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, lower back and joint pain, and high cholesterol levels.

Weight Loss

Nourish Your Body

Achieving a gradual transition towards your goal weight involves commitment and consistency. WeightWatchers explains that a weight loss programme should be exciting and straightforward instead of seeming like another chore. It should be personalised according to your individual needs, with the guidance of nutritionists and behaviour change scientists, too. Reaching your weight goals and ensuring your diet plans are achievable requires looking at big-picture nutrition data. Looking at your food’s nutrition quality is just as important as tracking calories because two foods with the same amount of energy can be vastly different in terms of how they can nourish your body.

Weight Loss

4 Healthy Food Swaps to Lose Weight

Today, we’ll focus on four easy everyday food swaps that can help to lose weight:

1. Whole Grain Bread instead of White Bread

White bread is the bane of people who want to lose belly fat. Aside from being highly processed, it is also commonly made with refined white sugars and chemically-laden bread improvers. Eating refined grains such as white bread contributes to higher visceral fat deposits in your body and increases your risk of weight gain and obesity. Because it’s high on the glycemic index, it can spike your blood sugar levels and may contribute to a higher risk of diabetes. It would be better to opt for whole grain bread instead, which is rich in protein, fibre, B vitamins, and a host of other nutrients to not only help control weight but also lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

Healthy Food Swaps Weight Loss

2. Raw Juices instead of Processed Fruit Juices

Most packaged and bottled fruit juices in the market are filled with highly processed ingredients and refined sugar. Unlike whole fruit, these juices do not contain the natural fruit fibres that fill you up and help your digestion. Some juices contain even more sugar and calories than soda. Even sugar-free fruit juices can be deceiving, as they often contain artificial sweeteners that can harm your body long-term and still make you gain weight. Instead of consuming fruit juices, eating whole fruits and staying hydrated with water and herbal tea is better. You could also consider making your own raw or cold-pressed juices without any additives, like an immune-boosting carrot, orange and ginger juice or the wheatgrass juice we featured here at Avenue15.

Healthy Food Swaps Weight Loss

3. Boiled Potatoes instead of French Fries

Although whole potatoes are healthy and filling, french fries and crisps are full of unhealthy calories. Their salty taste and crunchy texture are addictive, making it easy to consume an obscene amount in just one sitting. In fact, The Guardian wrote that junk food is the new tobacco, with experts urging that the government impose restrictions on promotions of processed foods like fries and crisps because of their massive contribution to obesity as a national health crisis. Consider eating boiled whole potatoes instead or invest in an air fryer so that you can create your own healthier alternatives at home.

Healthy Food Swaps Weight Loss

4. Oatmeal or Low Sugar Granola instead of Sugary Cereals

Sugary cereals are calorie-dense foods that contain minimal to no nutrients. Many breakfast cereals boast impressive health claims but contain high amounts of sugar and refined carbs. In addition, most cereal brands come in super-size packages that make consumers subconsciously eat larger servings. Consuming too much sugar is a culprit for obesity, diabetes, and stroke, so it’s much better to eat healthier whole grains such as oatmeal or a low sugar granola or muesli in the morning to fill you up for longer.

Healthy Food Swaps Weight Loss

Live a Healthier Life

Your food options can determine the success of your weight loss plans, which is why it is better to swap out these four foods for healthier alternatives such as whole grain options and whole food snacks such as vegetables and fruits. Consciously making better food choices helps you keep your weight in check and achieve your fitness and health goals.

But, as they say “everything in moderation” a varied diet can also help with weight loss, by not completely restricting yourself and still eating the foods you love in moderation you will not only be happier but are more likely to stick to your new healthier way of living.

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